No time to watch series? Try miniseries!

Series are one of the best things in the universe. But sometimes, watch a show entirely requires a lot of time, that you do not always have when you have a job or are at college or whatever. I have found the perfect solution for you: the miniseries!

A miniserie follows the same concept than standard series, but with the difference that they only have one season and a few episodes, between 5 or 10. It means that they have to convince you to go on watching in only a few episodes and that you do not have to watch 3 or more episodes to enter the intrigue of the story. As you imagine, I have selected for you some of my favorite miniseries, and they are not all on Netflix this time.

#1 "11/22/63"

This serie was inspired by the Stephen King's book of the same name. I read it when I was 16. It was a huge book (almost thousand pages), but the story is so captivating that I did not have regret to have read it all. But for the less brave, Hulu has one more time find the perfect solution: make a miniserie of it!

This miniserie is a SciFi and fantastic kind, but do not get afraid of these terms: I am not a big fan of SciFi but this serie is my favorite of all! The plot is divided into two parts: it is based first on a time travel story, with a teacher (played by the handsome James Franco) who goes back in time to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy (on the 22/11/63), because of one of his friend who truly believe that the world would not be the same if the assassination of Kennedy did not happen. On the other side, you follow a love story between James Franco and a woman in the past, played by the gorgeous Sarah Gadon. This miniserie is so beautiful with bright colors, beautiful actors and costumes,... And if you are a big fan of the sixties like me, you might truly fall in love with this miniserie's universe!

#2 "Captive (Alias Grace)"

This one is internationally diffused on Netflix. It is a Canada-US serie, which contains only 6 episodes of 50 minutes. We follow an American psychiatrist, Simon Jordan, who tries to understand if Grace Marks, the main character of this miniseries, had really killed its masters when she was a maid.

She was put in jail for this murder, but no one knows if she had really committed it. To keep herself safe, Grace has erased all memories of that day and that is why a group of people by her side called the psychoanalist to try to wake up her mind and to clear her name. With him, Grace begins to open herself and that is where the magic begins; she tells to this man her whole past, without erasing any details, and each event of her life is quite awful and charged with emotions. Long after this serie ended, you may remain haunted by all these stories and by the perfect acting of Sarah Gardon, who always seems so innocent, so beautiful, so pure and always a regard that makes her like absent of her own story.

This miniserie has also a feminist reach: Grace Marks is born in a world where women have no much things to say, and where totally submitted to the goodwill of men. She has never had any right since her childhood, beaten by her father, enslaved by her own family and surrounded by women who had never put into question their situations. During all this serie, you will see that a lot of situations that had happened to Grace Marks are only due to the fact that she is a woman, and it can be quite interesting to follow if you are interested in those kinds of questions. Moreover, it is a true-story based serie!

#3 "Big little lies"

Big Little Lies is an American miniserie with a casting quite impressing: Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep,... This miniserie is quite troubling and deals with quite sensitive subjects, like domestic violence. It is composed of 7 episodes. In the first episodes, you have the impression that the women's lives are quite successful and happy. Their familial situations are quite different: some of them are engaged, or with children,... But through the episodes, you realize that their lives are not so perfect and that is more about fake lives. This serie is truly disturbing, especially if you don't know a lot about women violence.

I hope this little selection gives you ideas on what to watch on the next weeks!

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