Stranger Things Season 3 (2019) Review


What the hell was this?

Are you fucking kidding me? “Omg, evil Russians!”

Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Why is Max there? Why is Billy there?

There’s really NOTHING ELSE to do? What other ideas did the writers have, and THIS is what they let out on Netflix?

Terminator vibes from the guy who showed up to beat up Hopper……even my confidante called it. In Season 1 or 2, it would be a bit less obvious.

God Hopper and Billy need to go away. Such shitheads.

Even my confidante said,” You got to be kidding me,” about The Russian shit.

I keep going back to Nancy’s look. It could pass today as a vintage-y look.

Soviet spies were known to be better than American spies in language capability, #justsaying

Smirnoff ? #Bigotedcomment #itsokhesrussian

HE’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whining about violence? Occupational hazard in his case.

Plenty of instances of glass houses and stones.

God, this Russian shit is like the first decade after 9/11. “Omg, evil middle eastern dudes! Omg, evil American dudes with middle eastern heritage.”

This is bullshit.

SJW shit even gets in Stranger Things now….sanity help us all.

This is worse than CleganeBowl.

Mindless zombie shit. Fucking stupid shit.

Ffs. What is this unoriginal BULLSHIT? They reference it, but they don’t flip it. There’s no real perspective like season 1.

SOOOO the Mindflayer can form out of exploded guts?

‘Who’s government now?’ Shut it Hopper. Pot, Kettle.

Who gives a shit about Billy, Max, and Hopper?

I want Steve to show up Nancy. But still, what are they doing? Are they that strapped for ideas? They had NOTHING better to do for Nancy and Jonathan?

Shapeshifting mindflayer bullshit.

Flashing lights!

Since when could El do this with telekenisis?

OMG! This kid is so annoying. Lucas’ little sister? FFS! So unnecessary, like Max and Billy.

I was glad that Billy died.

The best parts of the entire season was the reintroduction of Murphy. He's fucking great.

"YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE GIRLS!" Mike yells at Will. Subtle and smooth writers.

It's so boring. Why and how can the mindflayer be repelled by fireworks?

There's no continuity, where's the universe and the rules?

Out of $8.00 USD, It's worth $3.00 USD. It's OK at best. StrangerTHings3Cover.png

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