Fallen Angels: Creating False Religion

In my studies I have found something I need to expose. If I bring this into light will make a lot of people very angry. The Watchers also know as the Fallen Angels they had a knowledge from the heavens. This knowledge was passed down thru the bloodlines of the Watchers. Their offspring were the giants of old men of renown (Gen 6:1-4). They still live today!

Ancient Sumerian text teaches that the gods walked the earth and blessed their children with great knowledge. This knowledge was to keep the children of man slaves to them. The children of the gods were known as the Nephilim. The Nephilim loved to toy with mankind, so much so that they started to tell the children of man how awesome they were with praise. This made ancient men proud and would do anything the Nephilim asked of them. They would even sacrifice their own children to these Nephilim so they could have them as food. This is the reason why the one true GOD(YHWH) was so upset at how far man had fallen from grace. This was the reason for the flood. To clean the world from the evil that lived here.

So what do you think the Watchers did? They created a religion to control mankind! So maybe just maybe this is why we have wars over land and beliefs in God. The Nephilim, the children of The Watchers have mankind worshipping them and not the One True GOD known by the name YHWH (the hand behold the nail).
Now the book of the giants we see someone explained as a fish-cloaked man. When you look at this you can see that this person really looks a lot like the Pope.
So why is this? Why does one of the most powerful man look just like a Nephilim from this book.
I believe is how the Watchers are holding onto ancient knowledge and worship. Why do I say this? Well in Mesopotamia there are statues of being that look like a fish-man and also this being with a Eagle-head with a man’s body. I believe this being is a Watcher. The thing is an eagle head with eagle eyes. They could see everything. Here is a hint, that is why they called them the name Watchers. The other thing is the used holy water to water the garden. I believe they were the ones to keep up with the garden of Eden. So they could have see the Evil One trick Eve in eating the tree of knowledge. This may be way they took wives all they chose because the look very scary to the women of earth.

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