Nepalese girl on board now - let's Steemit

About me: Hey, all! Starting with who I am, I am a teen from Nepal and I was recently introduced to steemit by a friend of mine. Getting to know about steemit was and is still very exciting for me - firstly, because very few Nepalese people seem to be using steemit and secondly, because of the possible outcomes (I can think) of using steemit in Nepal. Talking more about myself, I like reading novels, singing and writing. Making new friends and exploring the nature are my additional interests. And I'm quite excited about my journey with steemit.

About Nepal:

Nepal is one of the most nature-rich countries, known for its natural beauty. However, being an underdeveloped country and also one of the poorest countries in Asia, got me wondering how much the Nepalese people could be benefited from this platform. Despite having the capacity of growing to a huge extent, our country has yet not been able to go through changes in a good way. Ever since the demise of our honorable king, our country's political condition has turned upside down. The politics is really unstable and the prime ministers change here like season. Nothing’s as smooth as it should be, the country is going through a lot of obstacles. So people are always blaming the government for this pathetic condition of the country, failing to realize that citizens have a greater impact on the government more than the leaders themselves. There are chaos and insecurities everywhere and in this situation, it's really difficult for anyone to grow soundly, be it in any sectors.

The tragedy

The education system here in Nepal has never been much effective because it primarily lacks practicality. And that's why most of the people end up being unemployed here. They have to depend on foreign countries for even surviving, partly because they don't make much effort to do something on their own and partly because there are not really good platforms for utilizing their skills. In the context of our country, if people want to participate in any kind of competitions, they go to India because here, their talents aren’t recognized as much as they deserve, while there, they do find a global platform. And this clearly shows how desperately good platforms are needed here. Also, yearly thousands and thousands of people go abroad just for the sake of earning money only because they don't get employment opportunities here. That way they have to work hard endlessly being away from families because there, hard work really pays off but here, people don’t seem to respect and give justice to people’s work. And so, they struggle because they have to survive anyway. Not that there are zero opportunities here, but because of the unstable condition and corrupted government, it’s really challenging for people to grow soundly.

The possible impact of steemit

If provided a platform, people can reach heights. And I’ve myself come across many skilled people here who have been striving to do something following their passion but haven’t found that platform worth competing for. While all the youths target foreign countries, our country here remains the same, undeveloped, always struggling to do better and always failing because of the corrupted government and lack of determined people. But a platform like steemit could be life changing for Nepalese people. What I’ve learnt within these few weeks is, that this platform can really help people discover, explore and express their passion and ultimately lead them to do something in their own country, letting them grow individually as well as globally. Talents are hardly recognized here in our country and that makes people leave their passion and do something else because they have to earn anyway and survive anyway.
Introducing steemit to the Nepalese people would really help them do something in their field of interest staying here in their homeland. Here, you don’t find people pulling your legs or disrespecting your work because everyone here is on the same path, striving to do better by learning and teaching. People rather get constructive feedback and appreciations and suggestions along with payouts. This platform will not only help people in earning but also being recognized globally. In a country like ours, people struggling to find good platform, in an unstable environment, steemit can be the perfect online platform for growing up. While people can always be active here and do something, they can also equally participate in the real world. Having a good analysis of what and how the people of my country are, I can confidently say that people can reach heights through this platform. That way people can personally be benefited, and so can the country, because of the less number of people going abroad.


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