Coin Grab Bag - Highlight #2 Great Britain 6 Pence .0455 ASW


Got a Pile of Coins - And a nice Lunch

I'm back to highlight another coin that I picked up while having lunch with a friend a week ago. There are plenty of coins to dig through and I purposely chose the buying option to give me the most coins. Well that's not exactly true, I certainly looked through the back of coins and once I saw how many good looking silver coins there were in the bag I thought it was a great decision. I'm not sure if I mentioned this last week but I did find at least one coin I'm going to buy next time this might become semi regular for me. Let's take a look at what I got below and check out some stats.
It always feels good to add to the stack and the collection at the same time. There is something to be said for stacking numimatic silver and gold coins. I don't see Great Britain stuff very often, so this is a new coin for me.


Great Britain 6 Pence

1931 6 Pence
KingGeorge V (1910-1936)
CompositionSilver (.500)
Weight2.8276 g
Diameter19.5 mm
Thickness0.89 mm

Details from NGC
Well last week's was the three pence, this is the next step up and it is the sixpence coin. This should have twice as much silver as the previous one as it is worth twice as much on the face value. I do love it when coins are fractional sound money. Well this is pretty low it only 50% silver I still think it's nice to stack some precious metals and some semi-numismatic coins.

Interestingly at 50% silver these coins have a relative melt value on August 7th of 2023 of just over $1. Well I don't think people are going to start melting down it does help to carry some of the selling money value along with it.

6 Pence Obverse


I think it's a fairly good looking portrait of King George v again. This is probably the same portrait King that was on the three pence but either way it's really good looking as far as portraits go. I personally think that I'm much prefer the US money that has Liberty highlighted versus a ruler but I think that ship has sailed and if you want to get back that direction for a long time.

6 Pence Reverse

This design matches the 1934 three pence that I highlighted in my previous post. It has the same leaf design on the reverse. It has six oak leaves and acorns that divide the coin.
I'm not sure what the significance of the oak leaves and acorns is, or maybe there is no significance. Maybe Good Old King George the 5th just liked oak leaves and acorns and therefore got them printed on the other side of his head.


I still have quite a bit of the bag to dig through and I think there's some other good treasures to share. I'll try to get out another Post in a day or two and see what else I was able to acquire.

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