How hive has been of benefit to. me over the past few months- it has been an amazing journey.

The year (2021) is finally coming to an end and hive has been of great benefit to me over these past few months .

Hive has become my happy place ever since I was introduced here and I wouldn’t trade hive for anything. I mean who would want to trade his/her happiness for anything else?

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The impact of hive in our lives shouldn’t only be put into writing because hive is more than just a blog.
Through hive, a lot of people have found solutions to their problems at least to some extent, millions of people from hive earn daily from hive and that is life changing for so many.
Hive is also a safe space for learning, I have learnt a lot about other cultures, finance, cryptocurrency and even other countries around the world without even being there physically, and this is all because of hive.

‘Haveyoubeenhere’ is one of the largest communities on hive that helps you visit places virtually, I mean places that you never thought you would ever get to see in your lifetime. People get to share their different experiences, adventures and various vacations to a large audience on hive and not forgetting the beautiful pictures that comes with it.
Asides virtually getting to visit beautiful locations around the world, you also get to communicate and interact with different people from different parts of the world, this helps to build friendships and relationships across the globe. Hive has also been a tool to learn more about other people’s cultures and beliefs, their kind of food, how they grow different crops and all the beautiful tourist attractions located in different cities in different countries.

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Hive has helped me improve my writing, that is, before hive, I would consider myself a novice in writing but ever since I joined the hive community and after getting to read a lot of articles written by so many amazing writers from all over the world and myself having written over 20 articles, I can consider myself a better writer than I was. I now have a better understanding of using the right words, using the right tenses as well as being able to use beautiful quality pictures to tell better stories.

Also, another way hive benefited me so far is learning to keep things safe, like my password, being introduced to active keys on hive has been very helpful because it helps me keep my account safe and it also taught me never to share my details with anyone.


I have learnt so much from hive, from writing quality content to learning how to take quality pictures. There is still so much I would love to explore on hive and I will.
2022 will be a great year!

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