Thank you very much for our Witness @neoxian . Let's we choose him as our Witness



There was a santri from Indonesia studying in Rubath Tarim during the time of Habib Abdullah bin Umar Asy Syathiri. After there 4 years, the santri asked to go home. He excused himself for permission to go home to Habib Abdullah.

"Habib, I want to go home."

"Why, why?" He asked.

"This stupid my brain. To memorize half to death. Does not deserve my studies. I want permission to go home. "

"Not yet. Patient."

"It's a Bib. I have four
year be patient. It's not strong. I'd better get married. "

"Wait a minute, I want to test
first how your ability demands

"It's a bib. I memorized it half to death. Not memorizing. "

Habib Abdullah then went into the room, took the letters to the santri.
At that time the letters from Indonesia when arrived at Tarim are not directly given. The letter will not be given unless after the santri studied for so many years.

Habib Abdullah gave all the letters to him, except for one letter. Once accepted, read the letters to completion. One letter left then handed over.

"Who's this letter?" Habib asked.

"Owh, that's my mother's letter."

"Read it!"

The priest receives the letter with pleasure, then read it to the end. While reading, sometimes he smiles to himself, occasionally silent, and occasionally he is sad.

"Have you read?" He asked again.


"How many times?"

"One time."

"Close the letter! What did your mother say? "

"My mother said I was told by the righteous nyantri. Dad bought a new car.
My sister has been accepted to work here, and so on. "

The long contents of the letter he managed to tell it smoothly and completely. Nothing to be missed.

"Read it once?
He said not ignorant memorized.
Now once read kok directly memorized and can convey. "Habib said with a serious look.

The students were confused that they could not answer. He thinks he's been a fool and no hope. Already trying hard to learn the science of religion, he felt a failure. But reading his mother's letter once, he immediately understood and memorized. Habib Abdullah finally explained why all this could happen. He

لأنك قرأت رسالة أمك بالفرح فلو قرأت رسالة نبيك بالفرح لحفظت بالسرعة

"Because when you read the letter from your mother with joy. This
your mother. If you read the Shari'a of the Prophet Muhammad happily and proudly, this is my Prophet, surely you must read it by heart. "

Many of our brothers (or even ourselves) are unknowingly experiencing the perceived santri in the above story. The answer is love. We do not include those feelings while reading
and learn something. So we feel ourselves stupid and have no hope of success. Many people feel stupid in the lessons, but dozens of songs love memorized by heart. Though not set a special time to memoralkannya.

May be useful.


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