Wonders of science

Science has been a good friend to us humans eversince our existance. I sometimes look at the birds making their little nests with straws and wonder why don't they evolve like we humans. And start building houses like us humans made with bricks and stone and never worry about rains or stroms?


Wonders in Architect

Human also started living in the rocks to find shelters and here we are now. Sitting in the long and tall buildings that could go up until 1000s of floors. I think we should appreciate our science and what it has done for us.

Wonders in Medicine

Science is great because it helps us to understand the world around us. It has helped us to develop technology and medicine. Once there was a time where whole of the communities of people would die just because of a simple fever but now with the recent advents in our society we see that even the deadliest sort of diseases and viruses like cancer and Corona could be fought.

Wonders of science in artificial intellegence

Now we live in a world where people could just lay on their bed while there are robots roaming around all day at their houses. These robots would be able to do everything from taking care of the housework to doing the grocery shopping for you. This technology is called artificial intelligence and it has been a huge boon for our society. It has made our lives easier and we can now enjoy our free time more. These robots are so powerful that in a grocery store they will be sorting the stuff according to users need and patterns of buying .

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