An Outsider Look at Pinmapple

I am writing unsolicited reviews for sites that interface with HIVE on Internet Rivers. For today's review I thought I would take a look at Pinmapple .

Pinmapple lets users pin pictures from the HIVE blockchain to a map of the world. The site has several thousand links so far. The site shows a map of the world with the number of photos per location. You can drill down to a location an see the pictures that have been pinned to the map so far.

I drilled down to my location in Salt Lake City, Utah ... and pictures I saw were mislabeled! There were pictures of Banff in Canada and one of Fort Collins, but none of Salt Lake. The site might benefit from a feature to report mislabeled photos.

To add photos, one need simply drill down to a location on the map. Pinmapple will give the user a code to include in a HIVE post. I drilled down to Mount Olympus which is just east of Salt Lake City and got the code which is encapsulated with a markdown comment. The code includes the words "!pinmapple 40.657528 lat -111.773520 long Mount Olympus d3scr "

My guess is that Pinmapple will take the profile picture of this post and add it to the map at the location spedified with the GPS coordinates.

Pinmapple said that I can use the code in any HIVE interface that allows markdown. I tried waivio which does not allow users to edit the markdown directly. I then decided to try I am wondering if I could use the code without the comment.

Adding GPS data brings up an important question. Should one select the location of the photographer or the location of the subject?

The picture at the top of the page shows Mt Olympus with a fresh coat of snow taken earlier this year. The second picture shows a panorama of the mountain viewed from Murray, Utah.

The third shot shows mountain peaking from behind the venerable Bongo lounge. People at the Bongo Lounge sit on Stickley furniture and sip exotic liqeurs from around the world.

My three pictures are of one subject but are miles apart. I concluding in making my own photo site that one should have both the GPS of the photographer and the GPS of the subject so that the system could calculate the vector of the image. i might do that some day, but it sounds like a lot of work.

My days are consumed with things like writing posts to get a few HIVE pennies.


Pinmapple is a fun site that lets people discover HIVE posts from around the world. The site indexes several thousand photos. Such indexes bring more traffic to the Hive-O-Sphere.

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