My first few weeks at college..

So I started college earlier this month and it is so different from what I was used to with high school. It is so much more chilled and you can wear your own clothes which I was very happy about- I could express myself and not have to wear a uniform like I was used to!

As far as my courses go, I am enjoying criminology and it is so fascinating. On Wednesday I have to do an essay about euthanasia, death penalty and self-defence, making an argument why you would be for and against each one. In performing arts I had to perform a script on Friday- which was filmed! I definitely overcame some obstacles with that one and performing not only on camera but in front of my whole class of people but in the couple weeks I have been there I have made some real good friends and especially in that class. They are so supportive!

In film and tv we had to go out and take pictures of specific things our teacher told us to so I partnered up with someone and we went and took pictures on a camera. It was such a nice camera, definitely on my bucket list to get!! We are currently uploading them to a blogging site and all is well right now.

As far as maths goes I am still disappointed I have to retake but I am trying my absolute best to pass in the November resit. I feel like I finally got it this time. Very hopeful!

Confidence wise I am real surprised at myself. Before college I was really shy and reserved but over the past few weeks I have really noticed a change with reaching out and talking to people off my own back and even messaging people. Every time I walk in the corridors I always find someone I know and always have someone to go to on my free periods. So I am definitely seeing myself come out of my shell and branching out to people off my own back.

College work I am already finding stressful in some aspects and getting the bus every morning I do find stressful as I have nearly missed it a couple times but all in all I really enjoy the social aspect of it! I enjoy it much more than school for sure!

Thank-you for all of the love on my intro post, I am trying to respond to all of the comments but my laptop is quite slow and won't allow me to do it but I will get it sorted! Thank-you for making me feel so welcome :)
I am excited to share my hive journey with you all!

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