The Bachelor Finale Recap and Thoughts

Let's just be honest, Peter was a terrible Bachelor. The producers didn't offer much help but Peter just seemed like a lost dog all season long. The Bachelor Finale did not live up to the hype

The shocking ending was exactly what we all expected for weeks now. As much as we hoped that Peter would come to his senses and start acting like an adult, he didn't and the end result was this disaster.

Biggest surprise for me was Peter actually going through the consolation engagement with Hannah Ann. DO NOT GET ENGAGED TO SOMEONE WHEN YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE. I don't think I can be clear enough on that point. If Madison hadn't left, Peter would have proposed to her, that was very clear to everyone watching. Makes total sense that Peter is still in love with the person he was in love in, no shockers here.

Your heart does have to go out to Hannah Ann though. She was starting to see the writing on the wall but the surprise engagement won her over, at least temporarily. I'm glad that we saw her end it with Peter over Peter deciding he wanted to try things with Madison. I think Hannah Ann got a ton of extra points with everyone watching at home. She handled herself very well through a very awkward situation. I could definitely see her being a fixture of the Bachelor franchise for a long time to come.

How about Barb? Can you imagine your parents having that sort of reaction to your dating life? Barb was acting like this was her life and her decision. And all those emotions from Barb were based on what? An hour or so with each girl and having to wait for 3 hours in Australia? Yeah things went way overboard. You could see the audience turn from celebrating Barb as a hero to condemning her as the villain real quick. Guess she just wants to pick Peter's future wife for him.

Well thankfully that's all over and we can move on. Clare Crawley's season starts filming this week and we can't put Peter in the past soon enough. Good riddance Pilot Pete, may we see you again never.

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