
Neironix is the first international rating agency to assess investment risks in the economy of the block chain, where ratings are given to the results of mathematical scoring, neural networks and multidimensional analysis of the large amount of data. The platform is for the analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with a high degree of uncertainty. We are the first developer of the global methodology for the management of risk-oriented investment processes in the blockchain economy. The suggested management is based on statistical analysis of large volume of data and risk factors.

What is Neironix?

It is a global aggregator of financial analysis for cryptomime markets, it allows the accumulation and classification of aggregated information into risk factors, which is interpreted for later use of scores for ICO and blockchain projects.

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Neironix’s mission is to become a global provider of financial and analytical information on the crypto-money markets, necessary to make carefully considered investment decisions and develop long-term market strategies.

The main concept of the NEIRONIX project is based on the levels of management of complementary and updated risks, as well as on the digital economy, it is based on neural networks, on the use of punctuation matrices, logical-mathematical methods and simulation modeling algorithms. The concept is possible to reveal negative investment factors and deviations from the investment strategy in early stages, as well as to detect the effects of uncertainty and financial risks.

The main objective of the risk strategy of the NEIRONIX project is to increase the probability of achieving the investment objectives and to increase the coefficient of return on investment (ROI) for all participants in the cryptomoneda market. To achieve its objectives, the NEIRONIX project uses international methodologies and risk management practices fully adapted to the blockchain market, investment scoring algorithms and statistical data compiled from all available sources. The methods are used for investors and the media

The terminology and applications used in this Methodology are based on international public documents and generally accepted sources of international law, a sabre:

  • International Standard ISO 31000–2018 (Е).
  • Guidelines for risk management.Glosario Electrotécnico Internacional IEC.
  • ISO/IEC Directives Part 1, 2 (see
  • ISO 21500: 2012 — Guidance on project management (RTD).
  • GOST R ISO 11231–2013 — Risk management. Probabilistic risk assessment as exemplified in space systems.
  • GOST R IEC 62502–2014 — Risk management. Event tree analysis; Generally accepted sources of terms and terms (,, etc.).

What is Neironix rating?

Neironix practices a comprehensive approach to drawing up the rating using no less than 75 key dynamic risk factors. This approach allows one to draw an objective picture as to the investment attractiveness of an ICO or blockchain project, and provide potential investors with unbiased information about the key strategic indicators and potential risks. The rating is based on evaluating the totality of essential parameters typical for subjects of rating drawing or their groups.

The main principle of building Neironix ratings is a reduction in the share of experts’ judgments and increase of the role of algorithmic and methodological constituent parts.

The rating drawing methods by Neironix make it possible to identify a group of factors having impact on the reliability and investment stability of an ICO project. The rating objectives also include identifying the stability of such conditions and evaluating their correlation with other parameters in question.

NEIRONIX Operation Process

NEIRONIX operation process envisions a systematic use of established procedures and practices dealing with risk management for providing up-to-date information of high quality about ICO projects to the user, defining the context of external situation in blockchain market, monitoring, analysis, and update of the investor on the status of key risk indicators, as well as risk assessment and treatment. The NEIRONIX operation process shall be an integral part of processes dealing with control and decision-making by investor. It can be used on the strategic, operating, programming or design level.


Advantages of Neironix

Neironix project is unique in terms of aggregate benefits and opportunities for cryptocurrency market players and has no equals in blockchain market. At the moment of its launch, Neironix contains an accumulated analytical database built on the basis of events in the blockchain market. The data about 4,138 ICO projects implemented in the blockchain market over the past several years have been both recorded by the project initiators and collected by the system independently. Neironix has built the most profound database dealing with cryptocurrency projects and financial information about the blockchain market. In terms of API resources, we are integrated with 90 cryptocurrency exchanges. Currently, we are analyzing and accumulating statistical data with regards to 5,270 cryptocurrencies and already implemented ICO projects.

Information transparency. The methodology of Neironix is open, transparent and provides access for the user to the primary database. It allows one to be confident in the quality of rating and credibility of all project parameters, which enables the investors to make substantiated decisions.

Neironix as end product. Neironix enters the cryptocurrency market with a ready-made product. Our product can boast of having advanced functionality and is the most progressive one in its segment of the global market. As of today, the size of our own investments in the project has exceeded $1,400,000, including $1,300,000 and $100,000 spent for the system development and initial promotion respectively.

Team uniqueness. Neironix can boast of having a unique team in terms of professional skills that has accumulated vast experience of implementing successful online projects and functioning business models.

Neironix Ecosystem

Neironix Ecosystem is based on a set of tools — flows of content and information intended for use in operations with cryptoassets and selection of ICO projects for investments. The key target audience of Neironix includes private and professional investors, as well as cryptocurrency institutes and ICO projects. The quantity and completeness of information, as well as the required set of options, are determined by each individual system user and selected on the basis of their own experience, risk tolerance (risk appetite), financial capacity, workload, expediency and potential benefit. The distribution of informational and analytical data is performed in compliance with the chosen tariff of subscription fee.

Neironix para inversores privados

For private investors, beginners, and other players of cryptocurrency investments market, Neironix provides the following types of analytical data:

  • Results of final rating, multidimensional scoring of ICO projects.
  • Monitoring and notifications about changes in a specific ICO project rating.
  • Monitoring as to the discharge of key Road Map obligations for each implemented ICO project.
  • Cognitive analysis of reports in traditional and social media for each implemented ICO project.
  • Popularity index for cryptocurrencies and tokens; Analytics for financial markets.
  • Access to the system of adjusted notifications dealing with monitoring of financial analytics.
    Neironix for professional investors

For professional cryptocurrency investors, cryptocurrency market experts and blockchain analysts, Neironix provides the following types of analytical data:

  • Results of final rating, multidimensional scoring of ICO projects.
  • Dynamic tracking of risk factors and degree of their impact on the resulting rating.
  • Flexible system of monitoring and notifications about deviations from acceptable risk levels with regards to a specific ICO project.
  • Monitoring as to the discharge of key Road Map obligations for each implemented ICO project.
  • Structured analysis of capital for each ICO project at the stages of Token Sale.
  • Structured analysis of major token holders for each implemented ICO project.
  • Cognitive analysis of reports in traditional and social media for each implemented ICO project.
  • Monitoring of probable Pump and Dump for each implemented ICO project.
  • Monitoring of calendars for planned and actual token listing.
  • Popularity index for cryptocurrencies and tokens.
  • Indices and multipliers; Historical data and analytics for financial markets; Market reviews and analytics.
  • Analytics for traditional and social media.
  • Structured data for preparation of professional judgments.

Neironix for ICO

The following Neironix platform functionality is available for ICO projects and blockchain startups:

  • Project management at all stages of the project’s lifecycle.
  • Comparison with other ICO projects, similar in terms of functionality, implementation and idea.
  • Full checklist for ICO preparation.
  • ICO scoring.
  • KYC verification of project stakeholders.
  • ICO blogging on the Neironix platform.
  • Publication of press releases, reports and project news.
  • Analytics for token bidding, notifications about flow of funds for major token holders.
  • Analytics for advertisement sources, automatic selection of sites for placement.

Sale of NRX tokens

  • Start of accepting applications for NRX purchase — August 1, 2018.
  • Start of NRX sale — September 1, 2018.
  • Close of NRX sale — November 30, 2018.
  • The sale will be performed via Ethereum smart contract.


Bonus program of Token Sale

  • From September 1 to 30–35%
  • From October 1 to 30–15%
  • From November 1 to 30–5%


Distribution of NRX tokens

After holding Token Sale and Bounty campaign, NRX tokens will be concentrated in the hands of project stakeholders in the following proportion:

  • Sales in the open market (68%),
  • Project in-house operating fund (7%),
  • Project founders and team (10%),
  • Project partners (10%),
  • Project advisers (3.5%),
  • Bounty campaign (1.5%).

Fund Distribution

  • Marketing — 30.00%
  • Development of Neironix platform — 40.00%
  • Legal services — 5.00%
  • Hosting for servers and equipment — 5.00%
  • Project management and team — 10.00%
  • Contractors — 5,00%
  • Access to SaaS API — 5.00%


Token ICO Details

  • Token Symbol: NRX
  • Token Sale Date: 09/01/18–11/30/18
  • Token Standard: ERC20
  • Token Price: 0,001061571 ETH
  • Price in ICO: 1 NRX = 0.5 USD
  • Tokens for sale: 93,100,000
  • Accepted Payment Method: Ethereum
  • Total Supply: 140,000,000 NRX
  • Soft Cap: $1,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $31,000,000
  • Distributed in ICO: 66.5%



For more info

Website | WhitePaper | Telegram | Twitter | Facebbok | Bitcointalk ANN

Author: Jesus Nataniel Tillero
My Profil link:;u=2473166
My ETH address: 0x4cD4c5a3A28BD6601B9562502a4e8D6B4917A8d3

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