State of mind

Read a post earlier that made me think a little about things and I guess the current state of things. I can be quite a cynical person when it comes to the general way the world works, I think that's probably quite normal in this day and age. News are all about the bad things that are happening because they know that's what will get them traffic so indulging in taking in some of that info daily can put someone in a pretty terrible mood and even become quite jaded over time.

Even though I've kinda quit reading r/worldnews or scrolling Twitter much lately, I'm still quite cynical when it comes to how the world works. I feel like we as humanity have passed the "test of time" where it was all about competition because that drove innovation and made life easier. We are now modern enough where we could all survive and be happy with what we have. I'm not saying remove all drive for people who want more, I'm just saying why do we need to struggle for things due to the economy. It's weird to me how most movies and TV shows you see these days use the "overworking" to fill up plots, I know it's cause that's what most people are used to but the fact that it even is a thing is wrong to me. Having 2+ jobs, barely making ends meet, never having time for your family/kids just so they can get basic needs like shelter, food, education, why the fuck is that even a thing? Who's mainly benefiting from it?

Okay, before I sidetrack too much, the point of this post is that even though there are a million different reasons to be cynical and negative, if that's all you ever point out and talk about you're not really going to do much in terms of changing things around. There's plenty of good things going on, especially here on Hive yet for some reason I see some people only focusing on the negatives instead of the positives, it's quite a downer to have to read.

The post in question was from someone I've noticed for some time now consistently talks negatively in comments and posts about hive, even though he is very active. I'm not saying don't mention the bad things, but why do some people never mention the good things? If they can't see the good things then why do they continue being here constantly. There's many in the same boat so it's not a complete shock to me or something I can't fathom, it's just a bit lame that they dismiss all the good and go around spreading negativity both on and off-chain.

Don't get me wrong, there's potentially a lot of people who only spread positivity too, maybe some to the point where it comes off as fake or with ulterior motives. I'm not someone who prefers sunshine and rainbows constantly or to shower the positive ones with constant support because that's all they talk about. I'd just prefer some balance.

I talk about bad things on Hive often too in posts and comments, I don't shy away from pointing towards issues or unfairness if I see it, but if I thought it was all bad or that the majority of things on here were negative to the point they'd outweigh the positives I would probably not be as active or here at all.

Could also be a general state of mind of people these days after the long weird period of the pandemic that lead many to be absent from real life and delve deeper into this internet shit many of us here are active in. Not sure, everyone took that in different ways I assume. For me that period wasn't that bad cause I've pretty much grown up being a "nerd" who spends most of his days on the PC doing various things but I can imagine for others it may have introduced them to a world they weren't ready for and to get that much of it at once since they didn't have much else to do when locked inside.

The saying "if you don't have something good to say about something, better not say anything at all" comes to mind. I of course don't mean censor yourself just because people hate negativity. Clearly things aren't working here as well as they could and we have a lot of room for improvement, it's more like "if negativity is all you spew, then maybe take a break".

Oh well, maybe this kind of activity is triggering me extra now cause of the markets which I'm sure it's been affecting others too. It's important to remember what it is this platform strives for and the advantages it enables people, even though things aren't perfect, Hive still has insane advantages to give users they can't get anywhere else and that's worth mentioning no matter the price or general sentiment of stakeholders.

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