We have ZERO FEES, but what if you got 0.00000001 SBD/STEEM/SP When you sent tokens?

Think about it, would it be bad or good for the long term perspective to pioneer in this idea? What if ZERO is not good enough anymore?


I want you to take some time and really think about the pros and cons of this idea, because it is a game changing or a fractional part of a revolution to go from zero to a minimum something. My own bias is that it would push people to circulate the currency (SBD) and the assets (STEEM + SMTs).

Thank you for reading, thinking deep about it and commenting below.

FUNFACT: My WITNESS is called fyrst-witness, and you can vote for it at https://steemit.com/~witnesses the witness-machine make sure that your vote is registered and your voice is heard. I hope you support it!

If you wanna talk, you can find me as always with the SteemSpeak Punks at http://steemspeak.com, hope to see you there anytime you like 24/7/365.

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