A display of colours


Colour is an integral part of nature, It is nature's way of speaking to us. We can tell when she is super exited because she springs out with beautiful greens and pinks and blues. We can also discern when she needs a break as she graces is with various bold shades of yellow and orange. Gorgeous shades of ash are not exempted from her choice of colour specifications.
The beach, the sky, the trees, the grasses, the luminescence of sun, moon and stars are the mouthpiece of nature.
Humans as one of the best gift to ever grace the earth learnt from nature how to express themselves.
We are especially fond of colours in the outfits we wear. We see a particular colour and we say to ourselves :"that is so me".
These various colours on display are few of the various African colours that can grace any skin no matter the colour.
Would be posting some of the attires I make with these lovely colours soon.
PS: please accept my apology for leaving us without prior notice my fellow needleworkers. I missed each and every craft that I couldn't view while I was away and the contribution I was supposed to make to the spice that is Needleworkmonday. I am eager to jump in and continue from where I stopped. It feels to be back!

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