Irish Crochet Dress - The Picture Emerging

Many late nights, early mornings and numerous stolen moments later a clearer picture of the dress is emerging.

Hello my @needleworkmonday and other steemit friends!

Here's a little update on my Irish crochet dress, that by some sort of a miracle seems to be actually coming together.

As I wrote in my previous posts about this dress, the process is really slow and tedious...

To be perfectly honest, I've had some very VERY dark moments of despair, when it seemed that no matter how many hours I was working on it, I was stuck in one place unable to move forward...

And yet I was wrong... late quiet evening, I finally unpinned the lace from the work table and was able to evaluate (and maybe admire a little) a fuller picture of the front of the dress.

So here's where I am at at the moment:

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And here's a full length image:

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Below are few process images, just to give you a fuller picture:

As mentioned before, after crocheting all separate elements separately, you then lay them out on a flat surface to form a desirable shape and picture.

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I used an old dress in order to achieve the right size/shape/length. This old purple dress you see in the pictures is only here for modelling, it won't be part of the finished dress.

And after you are happy with the picture you've laid out, you then have to attach the elements to your surface by stitching (you can also use pins, if convenient) and start crocheting lace to gather all the elements together.

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Also, as mentioned in other posts, when crocheting the lace, you are looking at the 'bad' side of the dress, which means you can only see the emerging picture, after you finish a section, unpin your work from the surface and turn it around...

...always an exciting and scary moment in equal measures...

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After this epic journey, which isn't even half done, I needed a little rest.

But now I feel the dress is calling again and I must go... :)

Get a hobby, enjoy your life!

All photos and text is my original content.

You can see copyright signs on photos because they were taken for my blog .

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