Needlework Monday: new hat WIP

Greetings, fiber friends! I hope y'all have had a good week. This week I started knitting a new hat for myself:

hat 1.jpg
(yes, my yarn holder is an old gelato container)

The last time I knit a hat I did it on circulars, but this time I decided to do it on DPNs (double pointed needles). I actually had to frog my first start because I borked it somehow, lol. But thankfully I was only partway through the first real row when I started thinking, "What have I done?? How?!" ;)

hat 2.jpg

On this take as well, about two or three rows in I realized I had twisted it - which I've done before - but I've done that enough times that I know that at that early stage, I can twist it back and it won't really be noticeable, so rather than frog again, I did that. XD Pretty much everything I make has imperfections in it and I've learned to just roll with it or I'd never accomplish anything at all.

Sure enough, when I look for the twist now, I can only see it because I know it's there when I go around the rim searching for it. You'd never notice it on my head. :)

When I knit on DPNs I also have a habit of inverting it without realizing when I pick it back up again and so I develop unintentional stripes which I actually like because it looks cool. :D So I like some of my "oops" moments. I've already inverted it and made a stripe once so far. We'll see how many stripes my hat has when I'm done. I'm less likely to do it by accident as it gets longer, so I'll probably do it on purpose a few times, too. :)

Can you tell I generally craft by the seat of my pants and don't follow patterns too much? Free spirit knitting? Yeah, that's what we'll call it. :D

Thanks for checking in on my early-stages hat project and stitch on, frens! :)

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