Uh sheet

Here’s a quick project that has been a huge help and costs so little it’s silly to buy the gizmos when you can sew.

As many know mattresses have gotten thinker over the past decade and when your budget (or style) doesn’t allow you to just get new sheets, the corners will pop off on those restless nights.


While gazing through catalogs i saw some interesting gizmos to compensate for this issue and then looked through my endless supplies.

I used to have time to sew boxer shorts for my hubby and so back in the day i found elastic for that purpose at a ridiculous discount. Now the spool mostly collects dust.

Here’s what i did, cut 10 inches of elastic and sewed to the two corners that i put at the top of the bed. Too lazy to do all four. And it works great.


Hope it might help others save some bucks.

Happy #needleworkmonday 🧵🧦

PS i just cleared out my sock drawer and came across a bunch of socks i made over the years!


Have a great week everyone!
🌊 🌙

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