Fun in Mommy's sewing room

Happy #NeedleworkMonday!! Having completed my friend's set of patchwork placemats, I started another set this week to consign! Last fall, completely on impulse one day, I walked into the corner kitchen shop downtown and talked to the owner about consigning placemats there. She agreed, but then I got so busy with other requests, I haven't had time since then to make placemats for the shop!


Gotta have chicken patches to incorporate into placemats

I had more than enough "help" (aka shenanigans) one day, so I grabbed the piece of chicken printed fabric I'd bought at the quilt shop and told the kids that they could cut out whatever chickens I didn't use, plus the eggs. This kept them entertained for quite awhile!

Being verrrrry careful with Mommy's scissors


Pixie cut out this chicken. She said "I'm cutting off the legs, so it can lay eggs." Little Man, not to outdone, announced, "I'm cutting off this one's bottom so it won't poop everywhere!" Boys!

Somebody has been rearranging my pincushion.

The fabric I'm putting on the back of this set of placemats.

The view out my sewing room window this morning

In happy news, I've got a request for another baby quilt from a friend who is still in the Navy and is buying them from me as organizational gifts to expecting mamas at her command. This will be the third one I make for her, but I've got 5 months to do it, so no rush to get started just yet. I love sewing for Navy mamas! Plus another friend has hooked me up with a friend of hers who is looking to buy a baby quilt as well. Exciting!

My sad news is that I went to count the rows in my egg apron project this morning and discovered that there's one huge drawback to crocheting with dark yarn in a dimly lighted location (the coffee shop): I've hooked the wrong loops on a bunch of the rows! :(


It's super tempting to just keep going, but the perfectionist part of me is clamoring to unravel it to the first spot I messed up, and redo it. I probably will end up doing that ;))) Oh well!

Hope everyone is having a great start to their week...I'm looking forward to cycling around and checking out everyone's projects, after the kids go to bed this evening! <3

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