Needlework Monday: Reusing Yarn

Once I finished my cardigan I almost immediately wanted to start another project 😂. I’m almost finished with another baby cardigan but I put that on hold for something else..

This is a Find Your Fade shawl I made last year and goooooood gracious it was somewhat of a pain in the butt to make. Now, some (most) of that was my own fault, I had accidentally ordered two of the skeins in DK weight. I liked the colors though, so I ended up splitting the yarn and re-twisting it.

Here’s the thing though, I don’t really wear this shawl. Sure I’ve wrapped up in it a few times but I mean... eh. So I decided to unravel it. Completely.

Bye, honey, it was nice knowing ya.

I found where I had woven in the very end and started unraveling there. You want to wind the yarn into a ball as you go, otherwise it’ll get very tangled. Not fun.

Then I wrapped the unraveled yarn around a chair, tied it with extra yarn in several places, and put it in a bowl of cold water.

Lol it looks like purple ramen noodles.

I hung the yarn over the shower curtain pole to dry. Once it’s completely dry you can wind it back into a ball.

So my plan for all this yarn is to make several smaller shawls and hopefulllllly sell them.

Have you ever reused yarn?

Thanks for following along! ❤️

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