Needlework Monday: Cardi Update + Knitting Wall

So, ummm... I have a lot of knitting stuff.. a lot. Too much? Idk, maybe.
My mom, who taught me how to knit in the first place, had a good collection of straight and circular needles which I added to, so now we have this.


I wrapped some of the leftover bits of yarn from different projects around clothes pins. I usually store full skeins of yarn on this shelf-thingy that I found at a thrift store (btw that thrift store is amazing, they’ve even had swords for sale there.. kinda want a sword..).

These are some swatches from different projects I’ve done, I love how they look hanging up. I also hang up circular needles on the wall using brass pins with the needle size written on them.

Anddddddd here’s the cardigan, almost got the second sleeve done! That plus one more pocket to go and then I can start weaving in a crap-ton of loose ends 🤗.

Thanks for following along! ❤️

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