Needlework monday - virus shawl

My full time job is keeping me pretty busy right now - i work in aquaculture and this time of year is prime environment for all sorts of issues - plankton and jellyfish blooms, sea lice and diseases all work faster in warmer temperatures, so im up to my eyeballs at the moment. Truth be told im actually starting to really dislike my position, because there is so much pressure and responsibility, and im not one to cave when the going gets tough.

Crochet is my life line.

When im stressed, i find myself yearning to get lost in a repetative pattern, because i can switch my brain off from work for a few hours. Several times in the last few months i have asked myself whether i could crochet for a living, purely to get out of the soul destroying position i feel im in.

I have been very lucky. As ive mentioned, a local lady has started selling my items in her shop, and so far reception has been excellent. Ive started getting orders in for various things, including the bible blankets i previously posted up. This item is for the same customer (indian priestess) and seemingly she has asked for another to be made, which is fantastic for me. I guess the bigger the customer base i have the better my chances of being able to make some changes in my life. I dont suppose crocheting as a job would be easier - paying bills would probably become an issue - but the idea of doing something i love full time feels right and surely that is what life is about!

Im a bit of an emotional wreck at the moment, and i can truely say that crochet (and my wonderful man @alioops and my two beautiful cats) are keeping me sane.

This virus pattern shawl took a few days to complete, but looks fabulous. I really wasnt sure about the black and white when i started, but it sets of the pattern wonderfully.

The virus pattern tutorial can be found on youtube, and there are videos for ponchos, shawls and blankets which are really easy to follow. I went with a 5mm hook to get a more lacy feel to it.


I took this picture a little early - i crocheted a further set of white rows on the end of this to increase the length slightly, so the edge of the shawl is white.

Really hope you like this and happy crafting folk :)

I think ive posted this pic before but this wee face makes me smile every time - shes 2 now but still cute as a button


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