Sewing Girls Dresses for Eid


The day of Eid is a day of celebration for Muslims. There are two Eids that are celebrated for the Islamic year, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adhaa. Eid al-Fitr comes first and it is the day of celebration after Ramadaan, the month of fasting for Muslims. Eid al-Fitr is about two months away but many people would start shopping around for Eid clothing now already, to avoid the rush during Ramadaan and also so that they can focus on acts of worship rather than running around for this and that.

I've decided to sew a range of girls dresses from 4 years to 9 years, I've sewn girls dresses before but never a whole range. I also need to make the patterns for the dresses and for this I'm using two patterns I bought and a standard measurement chart I found on the internet. Eid will be in the winter and the patterns are for summer dresses, so I needed to modify the patterns with the help of the measurement chart.

My Patterns

Shopping for Fabric

Studio 47

Studio 47 is one of the best places to shop for dress fabric, they have all types of dress fabric in just about any colour you can think of. I managed to find some fabric I was looking for but unfortunately they were sold out of some of their fabric, especially their tulle and organza.

Some of the fabric I bought

I had some offcut fabric from some things I sewed a while ago and after finishing a couple of patterns I managed to get two dresses out of the offcuts. So now I have two sample sizes to check my patterns before cutting the fabric I bought.

Cutting, Sewing and Pressing


Bodice attached to the skirt

PSX_20180416_095526.jpgSewing the neckline

For the neckline I decided to attach a band and then fold it in and sew it down, it's much quicker and easier than sewing facing.

PSX_20180416_101602.jpgAttaching zips

PSX_20180416_102707.jpgPerfect 😊

Almost done...


The finished product... Two dresses made from offcut fabric :-)


All photos are my own


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