NeedleWork Monday - Traditional Rug Hooking

On to the next phase of rug hooking... :)

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So traditional rug hooking is a bit different than punch needle...

First, the tool is more like a crochet hook.

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The medium can be yarn, but it is usually thin strips of wool...and traditional style is hooked from the front.

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The backing fabrics used are the same...though there are choices.

For the punch needle the backing was Monks Cloth, which is a fairly sturdy double weave cloth that held the yarn nicely. Though this piece is on a burlap style which has a more open weave. If you look you can see through it pretty well. I find it stretches more and does not feel so solid...not my favorite so far, but I think the strips of wool will firm it up.

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I like that the surface is smoother, which would be good for walking on, vacuuming etc...but then the detail is cut down in designing, and I feel more like I am playing tetras because the direction of the loops matters.

I do like both the yarn and the wool strips in the end, so will work with both I am sure. :)

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The next rug I make will be a 5 foot circle I am designing, with an english ivy border, and a fairy scene in the center. This will be on a third type of backing called Rug Warp, which is a much heavier and quite solid fabric. It really doesn't stretch much which I prefer. And I will be hooking it with yarn, because I will need the detail, and also because a good fabric stripper runs between 300 - 600.00 USD, and about 150.00 for each additional sized blade....not quite in my budget right now, and it would be far too much to cut by hand.

So far I am having a blast learning, and am excited for the next before I finish the current rug, with designs and ideas running through my mind :) I think it is safe to say rug hooking will stick with me, and is worth investing some into for tools and materials!

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Thanks for reading! This is a Steemit original, all words and photos by Elew...

Please check #needleworkmonday to see all of the amazing needlework our fellow Steemians are creating!!


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