Needlework Monday - Bracelets

Hi Needlework Mondayers,

I didn't get to posting anything last week. I was too busy ridding my house of bees!

This week, I've got some very simple woven bracelets.


I bought a bracelet making kit for my daughter a while ago, but guess who ended up making bracelets? Here's how to do it:

In the kit, there were cardboard frames to work with, but you can find templates to make your own - here's a site with some patterns for this style of braid.

To start with, cut 16 strands about 50cm (20inches ). Loop them into a knot at one end.

Separate the strands into two groups of eight and put a pencil between the two groups. Make another knot under the pencil.

So now you should have a loop that can be used to fasten the bracelet.

Then, you thread it onto the wheel. The wheels from the kit are colour coded to make patterns. You line up the knotted end in the centre and match the colours to the colours covering each slot. This bracelet will have a green background with red flowers with yellow centres. When you've threaded all the strands, you'll have eight groups of two strands. You start at the place marked 'start'. It's on the right hand side of a group of two - pull that strand out.

So, taking the strand from the right hand side of its group of two, then you slot that strand in on the right hand side of the group opposite, making a group of three.

Then take the leftmost strand in that group of three and slot it on the left hand side of the single strand left at the top.

Then, turn the wheel anti-clockwise (so that the start group goes to your left) and do the same thing with the next pair of strands.

After a while, you'll see the braid growing out the other side.

When it's long enough, just tie another knot at the end. You can thread a button onto the end, to work as a clasp with the loop you knotted in at the first end, or you can just tie it with the loose strands.
Ta Daa!

I'm about to try out an online yoga course So, I'll have to try out the yoga strap I saw posted(can't find it right now, but I'm looking!)

Have a good week!

Edit: All photos in this (and all my other posts) are mine unless otherwise stated!

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