@ned you are so full of horsefeathers and here is why...


Ned's comment is from the following post where Dan Larimer provides an update on EOS development progress


Steem is FLAWED! Perhaps terminally so. The token distribution and the reputation system have proven to be catastrophic. Dan is doing what he does best, attempting to improve upon what has come before, innovating. What have you done to address these flaws @ned? Where is the urgent solution to abuse of the Steem inflation? Why are you obsessing about SMT's when so much more could have been done? SMT's are not the solution to Steem's fundamental flaws. They seem more like an ego-driven attempt to stay relevant in an evolving market.

Steem can survive and perhaps thrive, but most likely only if the distribution is remedied. Why don't you give Steemit's SP to the community. Use it to support those who will fight abuse according to community derived standards. Use it to massively scale up positive curation for multiple communities and types of content.

Your downvote of Dan's post, followed by your initial comment "downvoted for aggrandizement," upvoted to thousands in rewards was ridiculous behaviour anyway you cut it. Following the community response, you make an edit which makes absolutely no sense, being so full of contradiction.

You mention the Streisand Effect.....

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased. Wikipedia

Let me get this right. You expect people to believe that you intentionally wanted to produce the Streisand Effect, drawing more attention to Dan's development efforts, but only because you think he's building EOS "expressly to create a competitor to Steem?" What's more, your attempt to censor, bogus comment and ludicrous self-upvote were an attempt to make Dan reveal some kind of hidden, seedy agenda to subvert the minds of Steemians away from Steem towards EOS.

Are you ******* kidding me?!

If that was your strategy, I hope everyone can see it for the childish, contradictory, desperate, egomania it represents. I don't believe you had a strategy at all. I believe your reaction to Dan's post, the comment, the up-voting and edit are purely reactionary and yet more examples of your poor judgement and lack of focus.

You mention caring, possibly too much. I believe you care ned, but because you feel under pressure, you are not thinking or acting clearly.

Please, stop the combative attitude towards EOS and Dan, the co-founder of this incredible platform who GAVE YOU THE KEYS AND CUSTODIANSHIP OF WHAT REMAINS ARGUABLY THE MOST POWERFUL DAPP IN EXISTENCE.

Focus on the true issues facing Steem and it's long-term viability. Steem, EOS, some other blockchain.....what matters is that something does the job and for a very long time to come! Steem can be saved, but the solutions require sacrifice and hard bloody work. If Steem's issues can be addressed, it has such potential, it can work besides EOS and whatever is launched on it.


We can all be a part of all of it.

By the way, do you hold much EOS?

Happy Steeming

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