Why I respect so much @officialfuzzy and I consider what's happening is really unfair.

Hi Everybody

Not really happy words this time. But if this words reach @ned then I want to expose my point of view and tell my experience

I will try to chose my words carefully and I am not writing this post to make anyone pissed off or to offend anybody. But I want to tell my personal story about how and why I trust @officialfuzzy so much.

It was like a year ago when I joined Steemit. I was told by a friend of mine to join because I would get paid for the shitty drawings I do. So I decided to try it. I tried to talk with many people and made friends almost instantly. Between them there was Fuzzy, that I didn't even know he was a mini-whale. But he was super cool and positive about my work.

I kept posting and my incomings were going down, so I stopped finding Steemit useful.

I left it for eight months

Then I had an even that almost kill me, through which I been at the hospital for three days having a lot of free time. I checked one of my e-mails (where I was receiving all the messages from steemit.chat). So I saw the one from Fuzzy (that sent me like four months before).

So I opened my Steemit account again after eight months because I was super curious to see what was from it.

I was surprised about how it went up so much.

I was really hyped and wanted to talk back with all the people that I left back.

Then between the few people that was still here in Steemit there was Fuzz, and we started talking and he didn't judge me about leaving steemit for so long and came back just in the best moment as many others did. Actually the opposite, he supported me and gave me tools to develop myself onto this platform.

Later on I started to understand his vision, and started understanding that this is a place where everybody can get a cut, but most importantly, we can help each other and help others to make their life better. This platform gives the tools to make other's life less miserable. It's not only about money, it's about going shoulder by shoulder.


I saw this vision from Fuzz, but didn't really believe that there could be someone so interested in helping others.
Then the time came, like two months of always watching how Fuzz was moving according to his words and never back. He was using his investment in Steemit to help people without exposure such as me to get a little cut of anything.

Everytime I was doing something for his cause in relation to help Steemit to grow I was rewarded. Every single time.
Me and many others in the community. Something that didn't happen with other people. For example @randowhale.

For example, if you go to my post of the redesign of the Randowhale and you check who upvoted it... guess who you will find. Precisely, Fuzzy.

See, after watching such a contrast, it was easy to understand who was trying to do something for the community and who wasn't.

Now you can see it has he was making a good cut for himself. But man, he was giving it to people interested in making from Steemit a better place. I am witness of that.

He helped me and MANY others to reach something in here. To make a community that ANSWERS instead just taking everything for themselves and stay as individuals. He rewarded the hard work from each one that proposed an original and worked up idea.

Mr. @Ned, I really, really admire the platform you did, and the project you fulfilled. Your hard work for building this can be seen from every corner of the world, literally. Thanks to your platform lives were saved and realities of people were changed for good (and I am witness of that).

I consider myself really ignorant about what it took to make it real and maybe there is something that we all are missing. Since I decided to have a life dedicated to arts, I really don't know anything more than art itself.

But a war of down-voting is not the answer.

We can do from this community something really big just if we work together. I want to invite you and all the community, the very first people that started this mind-blowing project, to hold hands together and work for something bigger and not to start a war that in the end, no one will win.

Mr. @Ned, I admire you, please show me and this community how things must be done. I beg you to remove these down-votes, because they go to back to this community (and not to me, but to hard worker people working for making from Steemit a better place). I believe that you have your reasons, but then please, please explain to the community why you give us so much, and then you take it without explanation.

Mr. @Ned, Be Respected and Loved, Not Feared.


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