
Veran got what he wished for.

He was tired of living in a tiny apartment and wanted a little peace and quiet.

A little land for his legs to roam.

After a few weeks of searching, his only option was to take out a mortgage for an old Victorian with land that abutted a cemetery.

His nearest neighbors welcomed him, but warned about fisher cats, black bears, and coyotes roaming their shared woods.

Veran purchased a drone and thought it would be fun to video tape these creatures.

During his first recording he thought he saw lost hikers stumbling through the woods at night.

He waited until about 2am the next night and saw a shadowing figure walk by his drone. He fired up his drone with his cell phone and flew up until he was slightly above the tree line. He had illuminated parts of the wood with laterns and the drone was able to track these hikers to a certain location.

Veran zoomed in and noticed the hikers were clawing away at a boulder embedded into a small hill.

The following morning Veran ran out and used the footage to navigate to the boulder.


He saw narrow scratch marks on the boulder and walked around to the north face of the hill to see if there was a way to get in the hill. Beneath a fallen oak there was a tiny gap that he was able to crawl into. He used his light to see within the hill. There was a lot of dirt.


But tucked away in the corner was a book titled Newbie Necromancy.

The book was more of a journal, but there were extensive entries that claimed to give one the ability to control the dead.

The first artifact is called The Ring Of Eleadrus.

Part of the inked instructions were washed out by water, but Veran could see this ring, when placed on the correct finger, would give a corpse the ability to be revived for three minutes.

Veran decided to head back home and read through the journal after breakfast.

The last two image sources:

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