No Dare, Just Truth Contest by @mimy

Hola, good people of steemit. This seemed like fun, so I thought why they hell not?
I really must say, it was interesting answering the questions. Thumbs up for the inspiration πŸ‘

What is that silly thing that takes a tear out of your eye?
Onions(I know right? A frigging vegetable)

What is the most weird thing you love?
The taste of metal in my mouth. (just thinking about it gives me goosebumps)

Funny part of the opposite sex that you like?
The eyebrows (a "no cute eyebrow" is a no-no)

Who is your steemit crush?
@evelyniroh (cute cover photo.... I got hooked)

What is the craziest thing you have done on steemit?
Nothing. Yet.

Works of two steemians that you doff your hat for?
@joseph @illuminatus @

Which steemian would you love to see a movie with (maybe a dark room.. Winks)
@evelyniroh.... Like I said - hooked.

What are the names of the first three steemians blog you visit?
@surpassinggoogle @ehiboss @gamemusic

Who do you wish you are on steemit?
@surpassinggoogle (a total no-brainer for me)

What do you wish you could write on steemit that you could?
Poetry (an opportunity to be Wilde... Pun intended ;-) )

Which steemian do you want to meet in person and what would be your first action when you see them?
.Would like to meet @surpassinggoogle.
I would declare "I would follow Ye and Ye shall make me Fisher of sbds"

What are the names of three handsome guys/ beautiful ladies that you know on steemit.
.For the ladies, @evelyniroh @mimy @enoye
The guys- myself, that's about all, I haven't noticed any other worthy competitor so farπŸ˜€

Who would you choose as your steemitfather, steemitmother, steemitdaughter and steemitson.
.steemitfather - @ehiboss (considering the amount of picks he got, he'll probably make a great dad)
.steemitmother - @ogoowinner
.steemitsister - no-one comes to mind
.steemitson - @donaldpete (I be sonning that kid anyday, anytime 😁)

Names of two followers who get low payouts?
@donaldpete @deanomite

Names of two followers who get good payout?
@gamemusic @hottopic

Given the opportunity to say one word to @ned what would it be?

I hereby nominate @donaldpete and myself - @ubermensch (no law against it, yes?)
Thumbs up again to @mimy.
Have a wonderful week beautiful people

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