My NDJT episode 2

Welcome to the second season, Well the contest is fun and promotes community unity and engagement, so I have to support.

The NDJT second entry

At what age did you have your first kiss?

Well I had my first kiss in my teenage age. I was young then never knew a kiss meant allot then.

What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?

A gift is never really cheap as long as it comes from the heart. We I know I once got a sweet as a gift was cheap but meant alot then.

What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.

The most expensive gift I ever received was unconditional love and faithfullness.
Ladies: Which would you rather go without? Brassiere or Make-up for three days.
Lol would rather go without make-up.

Qualities of your ideal man or woman?

Good attitude
Have a good body shape
Good accent (British 😂)
Can dress well

What would you do with one million naira.

Business and investments.

Would you love to get married to a virgin?

I really don't care about the virginity status because I believe in getting to know the individual not the virginity status.

Would you rather have a non responsive virgin in bed who is simply off or a non virgin who gives you the taste of paradise and has the wife qualities?

I guess you have your answer. TBH, sexual compatibility matters a lot in marriage.

Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.


Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.

When you sleep on your bed pray to God for love and read your Bible. Note not a prayer of sex it sucks.

What virtue do you think is your greatest asset?

Wow assets. What's in my mind now ehh. Well it's me being me.
Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRON BACK and CENTER
One thing you learnt from NDJT episode 1
A lot of people thought of erotica

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