It's NDJT episode 4,this is a super unique contest that am always excited to participate in. @mimy @ehiboss @infvore thanks for your work and thanks for the consolation price sent to me for episode 3, I hope for a better result in this episode. The concept is to show with 7 pictures and a story, that I am crushed but in the process it still has to be funny,original, burnt, and creative,I hope I nailed it.
11th of March, exactly 2 years from today I agreed to date my fiance. I am sure he didn't mark the date,dates aren't as special to him as it is to me. Last year I surprised him by preparing his best meal, this year I have a better surprise, got him the exact snickers he updated on his status and an expensive perfume. Will also pick up the cake I ordered for, on my way to his house. I have to look super pretty today,can't wait to see his surprise face.
@iroyal didn't fail as usual, she was already at our meeting spot before I got there. Her cakes taste like something baked in heaven, if you haven't tasted it you shouldn't count yourself as someone that has eaten cake before. I know how much my fiance loves her cake so I added it to the surprise package.
"oh no this can't be" I couldn't believe my eyes, Desmond was kissing his neighbour. I must be wrong, he is very caring, probably helping her remove dust from her eyes. Desmond can't cheat on me,of all people to cheat with its Amarachi the loose Street girl,everyone knows her story, Desmond can't stoop that low.
OK no I must dreaming, they fell on the bed "holy cow!" they didn't even notice my presence. This can't be happening, for how long has it been going on? This is the same guy that is planning to come see my parents next month for introduction, I couldn't believe my eyes,I can't take this.
I stumped out of his house,my legs were too heavy to move,it was like the whole world was crushing on me, my vision was blur,I rested on the pillar for support, a lot was running on my mind,I remembered his promises and sweet words, how he made me abandon other suitors for him, he swore that he would never hurt me,he said he was going to wait. I really loved him,if only he could get up now and come after me maybe I can forgive him but he didn't even notice my presence, they were so into eachother, who knows how long it has been going on,I have been kissing his filthy mouth.
It was by God's grace I got back to my hostel safely, people kept staring at me wondering if I was insane. I needed to break something to be sure I wasn't dreaming, I broke and scattered anything I could lay my hands on. It took me 4 years to get over my last heartbreak and just 2 years of recovering the heart has been shattered again.
I wept till my eyes could no longer produce tears,I screamed and sobed. I wish someone could say "cut the drama is over" why is love wicked? Why am I always unfortunate? Where did I go wrong? Who did I offend? Why always me? I love with my whole heart and always get betrayal in return, will I ever heal again? I slept off.
I woke up sometime around midnight and the whole scene of Desmond cheating on me replayed in my head. I was crushed, I was broken, I think this my end.
I want to use this opportunity to thank @iroyal for the tasty cupcakes she made for me, words can't describe how grateful I am,I really appreciate. You all need to order for cake from her to have a taste,you will never eat cake else where after having a bite,it's simply delicious. Thanks hun

Thanks for reading
to participate check the contest post by @mimy resteemed by me

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