msinsl h7

The maximum value of the resultant of two vectors acting at a point occurs when they are in
………. directions.

  1. If the sum of the vectors is zero, the two vectors have same magnitude and ………
    11.Quantities that have only ………. are called scalars.
  2. A ……… has both magnitude and direction.
  3. The change in position along a certain direction is called ……… .
  4. Force is a ……… quantity.
  5. Mass is a …….. quantity.
  6. The combined effect of two (or) more vectors is called …….. .
  7. The vector sum of two vectors is called ……… vector.
    18.The process of sub-dividing into two or more vectors is called
    Answer ALL questions. (12 marks)
    (a) Express the value of G in the CGS units. (G = 6.67 x 1011 m3 kg-1 s -2)
    (b)A car is travelling with a constant velocity of 6 m s-1. The driver applies the breaks as he sees
    a cow which is at a distance of 24 m from the car. Find the acceleration of the car if it stops
    just in front of the cow.
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