lso mmstp

. The vertices of parallelogram are the points R(1,4), S(3,2), T(4,6), V(2,8). Find the slope of
each side.

  1. Determine the slope of each side of the quadrilateral whose vertices are A(5,6), B(13,6),
    C(11,2). Can you tell what kind of quadrilateral it is?
  2. A quadrilateral has as vertices the points M(a,b), N(c,d), Q(c+d,e), P(a+d,e). Find the slope
    of each side.
  3. C is the mid-point of AB, A if the point (-3,-2), and B is the point (2,8).
    What is the slope of BC?
  4. Given the points D(-4,6), E(1,1), F(4,6), find the slopes of DE and EF. Are D,E and F
    collinear ? Why?

………. directions.

  1. If the sum of the vectors is zero, the two vectors have same magnitude and ………
    11.Quantities that have only ………. are called scalars.
  2. A ……… has both magnitude and direction.
  3. The change in position along a certain direction is called ……… .
  4. Force is a ……… quantity.
  5. Mass is a …….. quantity.
  6. The combined effect of two (or) more vectors is called …….. .
  7. The vector sum of two vectors is called ……… vector.
    18.The process of sub-dividing into two or more vectors is called ………
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