Nbn national broadband network

NBN, Australias ridiculous answer to bringing a first world nations third world internet infrastructure up to scratch and future proof.

For anyone that knows even the slightest about the various technology's they are spruiking as the best thing since slice bread you may feel your equipped with the knowledge to scim this article and probably gain very little new information about the product.

After all the main "product" is HFC. Hybrid fibre coaxial. A much more effective way than saying cable internet that I have had since 2003 or to admit and tell the public it is the foxtel network. Already in place and installed.

Now my main issue isn't necessarily the product itself. As a first world nation this service is a must if we aim to compete on a global scale.

My issue is the massive missappropriation of funds. The sheer fact Telstra used their portion of their contract to engage contractors and audit an existing network they already had plans for.

Plans that have been accessible for years and were supplied to me during the verification stage of the network.

Yes,thats right. As much as I hate to admit it. I was a payed consultant used to quantify the results and design adequate measure for a working service. Furthermore the contracts guidlines betwwen the likes of MIMA contractors is entirely out of wack.

Safety whilst should always remain the primary concern of buisness is being pushed down the hill and into the overheads off the small companies required to build the network.

The likes of Lendlease, Downer group and broad spectrum have alot to answer for.

These MIMA contractors have snapped up all the NBN contracts on the proviso they have the resources to produce the results.

The sheer number of small buisness loosing revenue due to the contracts structure/guidelines is appalling and a perfect example of how ineffective this roll out has been implemented furthermore it speaks volumes that the Mimas holding these contracts are incapable of delivering.

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