Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 9 – We Are Being Milked Like Cattle

We’ve already established the fact that “defeating” the Nazis/Vril is like breaking a glass bottle on your tile floor. For decades afterward, you’ll occasionally realize the mistake you made when you step barefooted onto a shard of glass lying in wait in some remote corner of your kitchen. Their system is designed to continually produce fragmented proboscis in new areas of your life so that you can be bled slowly of our worth, personal value, and individual identity.

The Nazis/Vril have really stepped up their game. In the early twentieth century Jews were used as scapegoats, and as an excuse to “confiscate” wealth that was deemed ill-gotten. One might think the desire to control anything of value on the planet might wane over time. It has only intensified. As we grow old and tired in our human existence our fault is that we attribute the same exhaustion to everything around us.

Maybe it is the purported connection to the gods that fuels the drive of evil on earth. Regardless, we mere mortals need to understand that this phenomenon will never be defeated. No matter how much more intelligent subsequent generations feel they are to their predecessors. Believe me, I have fallen into that trap and wasted decades of my life thinking, ‘It’s different this time.’ There will always be a constant struggle between good and evil.

The evil illusion begins with their successful definition of what value is to you. In reality, it can be as simple as encountering a fellow human. If two humans exchange bits of information true to the universe that they were previously unaware, they’ve each created value for one another. I’ve found nothing more satisfying than walking away from an encounter feeling as though the person I just met was glad for our time together. Simple. Universal truth and infinite love.

If you’ve had the chance to watch Aaron Russo’s documentary that I mentioned in my last letter you now understand that the Income Tax in the United States is unconstitutional. Evil successfully implemented that tax in 1913, coincidentally after the creation of the Federal Reserve. I won’t single out Woodrow Wilson as the President who did the most damage to the US, because there are a lot that have, and will be addressed in future letters. But we can definitely point to him as a major reason control needs to be returned to the local level, as our founding fathers intended. Ah, but I digress. In the century of the Income Tax you must ask yourself the question, “What has been done with all of those tax dollars?”

I can only hope that my ancestors weren’t so daft as to agree to an unconstitutional tax that provided no value to society as a whole. Regardless, as we peer across dimensions and generations the progression of government spending has definitely gone into nefarious pursuits in the name of global Nazi/Vril domination. The United States spent more money during that time on more effective ways to commit murder than any society ever. This is done on the back of its citizens through an unconstitutional income tax, paid for by dollars that are merely printed into existence, creating mountains of debt to be paid for by the citizens not the politicians making these decisions, and for the benefit of those who own the Central Banks across the globe. They have the best business model. (This is my sarcasm font). Think about it. In order to create the money that we all work so hard for to pay rent and buy food, all they have to do is press a button on a computer. Our politicians spend more than we slave away to pay annual taxes for the sole purpose of enslaving future generations. These global elite get to charge us interest; furthering our debt load, enslaving our unborn grandchildren (you), and increasing their control of the planet. Damn that’s evil across generations.

The evil does not end there. Their goal is to reach into every aspect of our lives and control it until they control our thoughts, and sadly, that’s not a far-flung vision. As mentioned earlier, value is a function of creation; offering something new to the benefit of others. In my naivete as a young business person I thought pretty much any organization that successfully sold a product was offering value. What we’ve lost sight of is that value is no longer in the eye of the beholder; it is a directive from the global elite. In order to understand what I mean all you need to do is think about what makes up the Gross Domestic Product of the United States. Decades ago, within my lifetime, we created goods that were so in demand that they were exported all over the world. The United States was a juggernaut, and the envy of the world. Therein lies the rub. The global elite knew they must destroy this manufacturing base in order to take over; and they have been successful. I firmly believe that John F. Kennedy was the last president who cared about the well-being of US citizens, and that is why he was assassinated. What we must understand today is that the Democratic party of 2018 (and before) is not the Democratic party of JFK. The reason I bring up JFK is that was the moment in time when the United States began its accelerated decent into the hate-filled Nazi/Vril agenda.

The US GDP has become nothing more than cotton candy; as it touches your mouth it’s pleasing, but quickly dissolves into nothing. All we produce are sporting events, award shows, concerts, and industries built upon nothing more than a foundation of parasitic behavior. Think of the publishing industry. It is built upon a system that sets a large mechanism between the artist and the reader. Massive publishers and agencies are all set to siphon off large portions of the value without creating anything worthy. It’s simple Keynesian economics in that they control the most dollars, and wield that metaphorical claymore with deft precision. Again, the illusion of value being in a paper dollar that is simply created out of thin air causes “us” to believe that people who make a lot of money have the most value; yet the opposite is true. How else can one explain professional athletes who get paid tons of money for playing a child’s game; or actors who make a lot of money for merely saying words. Get real. They actually need to have someone else write the words, and yet another person to tell them how to deliver their lines. We have given these hollow humans so much clout in our minds as to how the world should look. Of course, they are going to try and cast us in the light they deem acceptable. Never allow someone who does not exist in reality force you to deviate from your true self, and your value within. Therein lies the irony, they’ll purport to helping you find your inner-self, but only if it’s consistent with the projection of their beliefs onto you.

The common thread in society is that these people feel as though we exist for their pleasure. What we need to realize is that we give them their status and power, by giving away our own. Take it back! Actors in the time of Plato were considered on the same social level as whores and prostitutes. We need to put them back in their place. Just as there is a modicum of value in giving someone an orgasm, the same level of value needs to be assigned to these people.

We all need to understand that value lies within you, within all of us. The global elite know this, and have constructed a system to parasitically draw that value from you, from all of us, without our understanding of what is happening.

The good people have control. We can simply stop giving away our value to multi-national corporations whose only goal is to extract value, and shop locally and with small businesses whose owners sincerely desire to provide good value to their customers. Support local artists and musicians with the same money you would spend at a national retailer, or mega-concert.

Good will always win out over evil because of the need to weave an ever-increasing web of lies in order to maintain the illusion. The more lies are piled on top of one another the more tenuous the structure and more susceptible to collapse. If you are in tune with the universe and the truth it contains your life will be much happier. It really is that simple.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa

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