Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 8 – The Nazis Won World War II

You must understand you will only ever receive breadcrumbs of information from those who control the flow of communications. It will become necessary for you to try and bring all of these tiny pieces together in order to build a picture of what truly has happened throughout history. We benefit from hindsight as we can see the direction in which the world is moving, politically and socially, in order to paint that picture in our minds. Whenever studying history never reference books approved by educational entities purported to bring the entire past into view. Authors are paid (via publishing guarantees) to concoct the stories meant to cloak actual events in order to fool the masses, and you give away your control and value.

We know for a fact that during Operation Paper-Clip, after World War II, thousands of Nazi/Vril scientists were brought to the US and placed at NASA, in our Hospitals, Universities, and most devastatingly, our military. Having been born in 1965, a mere twenty years after the end of World War II, I have had the benefit of watching the degradation of American society over the five decades of my life, and I will attribute it to the Nazification of America. The cornerstone of our democracy (even though we live in a Republic) is the right to free speech. In 2018 it seems that only those who scream hate-filled rhetoric at the masses in defense of the Nazi/Vril still enjoy that right. Anyone with a dissenting opinion is immediately slandered and labeled with all kinds of monikers meant to place them beneath the dregs of society such that they lose all credibility. Tantamount to the book burning rallies the Nazis/Vril held in the 1930s?

During World War II the Nazis/Vril used propaganda to turn the average everyday citizen against the Jews in order to offer an anthropomorphizing figure upon whom they could project their hatred and despair. It worked like a charm; so-much-so, that they exported it to the United States and began turning us all against one another based on race, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual preference, and the list will continue to grow, if we allow it.

The good news is that most humans are wonderful people who have been manipulated throughout the centuries. Equally encouraging, is that there are many wonderful journalists who actually care about the people on this planet who do the research, and devote their lives to investigating and producing the truth in whichever medium they are comfortable. You should watch Aaron Russo’s documentary “America: From Freedom to Fascism.” Also, read Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner. In this book he details the history of the CIA, and how it accepted Nazis/Vril into its ranks in Germany in order to battle the Soviets. Also, how the organization was involved in the JFK assassination. All of his claims are properly cited, but anyone who is “awake” knows there are Nazis/Vril everywhere.

It is imperative, at the very least, that you use your powers of reasoning to peer across generations in order to develop of picture of what is actually happening on the planet, because it is not what you’re being told. Make sure you look beyond the generations that make up your human life. Doing this I have realized that the majority of the tax dollars spent over my life have been to develop weapons more capable of killing massive amounts of humanity in the most efficient manner. Sick. Americans are forced to spend a substantial portion of their monthly income on a healthcare system that is Nazi/Vril invasive and ranks twenty fifth in the industrialized world on efficacy. It’s my generations responsibility to stop this sick, parasitic behavior. My sincerest apologies to your generation if we fail.

There are so many signs of Nazi Germany in the United States it’s not difficult to realize what is happening to us and those we love. For example, Eisenhower Interstate Highway system was fashioned after the German Auto-Bahn designed by Hitler. What you need to understand is why the evil one developed a structure of highways without intersections. It was so that he could easily mobilize his troops across his empire. The question then becomes, ‘Why would troops need to be mobilized across the United States?” I highly doubt Canada or Mexico are invasion threats. What makes more sense to me, at this time of polarizing hatred, troops will be sent to quell any uprisings brought forth by those who wish to break free of the Nazi/Vril ruling class. In the meantime, the proletariat are allowed to use the system of highways in order to offer them a false sense of freedom as they use the system for which they paid.

I’m not so delusional that I don’t realize that the hatred perpetuated by the Nazis/Vril was not brought forth in the 1930s and 1940s. What we must understand is that this hatred was in full force in the United States in the early nineteenth century. All we need to do is look back toward the time of slavery and realize that the US has had issues for quite a long time. What must also be understood is that those (the prominent families) who controlled the United States back then still do today. There may be a couple of names you recognize, but most of them you won’t because they operate in the shadows. Is it a coincidence that these families control the major corporations that aided Hitler’s war machine? No.

I’ve eluded to the fact that I feel like these evil Satanists understand how move their energy/souls from body to body across generations in order to execute their plans inter-generationally. It’s actually the only way their plans make sense. That is why it is so important for you to study history and understand the path of humanity and nations across millennia.

This is not exclusively a US problem. It’s an issue people across the globe need to recognize. You must realize that the European Union is based on a Nazi blueprint. That’s why Hitler invaded all those countries surrounding Germany; so that Germany could control their economies. If you have a single currency the level of control is increased by a factor greater than one. Sound familiar? Using Hitler’s tactics Germany would be the beneficiary of the subservient European nations under his control. There’s no doubt that the EU as it operates today benefits Germany the most. Also understand that when Apartheid in South Africa came into existence in 1948, it is no coincidence that the Nazis/Vril were “supposedly” defeated in 1945. The United States supported this regime, and was forced to denounce it only when it became socially and politically unpopular to endorse it any longer. It is also well documented that Nazis/Vril escaped to South America and began establishing their ideology there. Knowing this: I can say with full confidence that’s why Russia and China are the US Media’s “evil villains” in the Kabuki theatre played out each night on the evening news. Those are the only spots on the globe the Nazis/Vril haven’t been able to penetrate; not for lack of effort. I’ll write more about this in later letters to offer specific examples.

The global elite who control every aspect of our lives have brought forth the story that Adolf Hitler was a rogue madman; meant to place blame on a singular point of the Nazi/Vril pyramid. Citizens across the globe have taken the bait hook, line, and sinker. This has only emboldened the elite to feel as though they can get away with any number of fictional creations meant to remove the proletariat’s power by negating their ability to think critically. Assassinations of character and of those who buck their authority have continued in earnest. Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and John Wilkes Booth were not rogue madmen. They were stoked into an act they felt was honorable, and then made to take the fall. There is a Chinese saying; “If there is a large front; there must be a large back.” Meaning, whatever it is you think you see and understand, realize that there is a large mechanism behind it.

The German military was built for one purpose, to conquer nations. When you realize that the United States has over eight hundred military bases across the world, it’s not such a stretch of the imagination to understand that the US military has taken over the role of world conqueror.
As I mentioned above the only way for the Nazi/Vril plan to work is to have it function cross-generationally, all while fooling the populous in believing there is a working democracy. What we must also understand is that these evil people must work within generations as well to link their plan to subsequent periods. See the photos below.

There is a lot more to be written on this subject, and I will continue to do so in hopes of offering you something no one in my life ever did; an understanding of humanity and all of its flaws.


A picture is worth a thousand words. These are the living presidents at the time all together for a photo opportunity. Now, one would think that there would be some tension between these men, because strong leaders will always have different philosophies. But these men are not strong leaders. They’ve all combined their talents to destroy the strength of America in order to weaken it, along with the world, by bombing and killing innocent people, dealing drugs to lower socio-economic classes across the globe. In the twentieth century whenever our family were together we’d always gather for a photo to capture the moment. The person taking the picture would say, “Say Cheese” in order to elicit a smile from everyone. I can only imagine the photographer who took this picture said, “Say world domination.” How else would you elicit such genuine smiles from this group of evil men?


I’ve said for at least a decade that Bush and Clinton have always worked together, usually met with jocular scoffing from those in earshot. This picture was taken in 1983, nine years before the election that pitted these two against one another. Don’t tell me these men didn’t (and aren’t) work(ing) together.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa

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