Naviaddress - Private Investors Meetups Roadshow 2018


Naviaddress had a Private Investors Meetups Roadshow 2018 meeting with prospective private investors in Hong Kong on 27 March. The road show allowed handpicked innovative projects to pitch their projects and ideas to investors interested in looking at #blockchain investment opportunities.

Naviadddress is a blockchain infrastructure ID management software for any place and object. This means that the old – age problems of delivering items or finding a restaurant in a city where you don’t speak the language, becomes easy and simple. With Naviaddress, a place or item can now be identified at every point, every object can be assigned with its own digital address, and the information only needs to be verified just once.

Naviaddress could solve the address issue of millions or people and products, in a single unique digital address. It could be used for any place and object, whether real or virtual.

This poses a very interesting option for people who do not have any fixed abode address, or for virtual products that could be bought and sold, and their Naviaddress could be sold with that virtual product as well.

A Naviaddress could potentially be attached to a house or a person, ad sold with a house sale, but the person living in that house would be able to take their Naviaddress along with them when they move, and no longer have to inform anyone of the ‘new address’ as the Naviaddress would not change, and the new delivery would simply be to that person in their new flat / house / apartment or ‘abode’.

This potentially would save millions of revenues in lost parcels or deliveries or duplicate deliveries when people move and do not let delivery companies know in time.

A further benefit would be if a restaurant moved premises. The patrons of any restaurant generally come for the food and atmosphere, and the chef. If the restaurant moved, the patron would be able to immediately find the new premises, through Naviaddress being attached to the Restaurant rather than the physical location. Similarly the chef could have their own Naviaddress, and the patrons that love that particular chef, would be able to find out whether they had mover restaurants, and thus follow their favourite chef to the new workplace, in order to support them there as well.

There seem to be a multitude of options of the use of Naviaddress, and the blockchain technology allows Naviaddress to provide a postal and geotag (latitude and longitude) address in any language, in a more convenient easy to remember way. No more long, unpronounceable addresses in a language you can’t speak.
Investors would be wise to seriously consider this new technology, and project, as this seems to actually be something the world needs. This might well be one of those projects that potentially actually solves a problem. If you’d like to read more about Naviaddress, you can find them on the following sites and social media platforms:

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