Why Do Humans Enjoy Looking At Sunsets? Is It (Just) Romance? 🧡

The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire. - Pamela Hansford Johnson

Isn't that actually enough to explain the whole mystery?

Well those of you who've been following my blog for a longer while may know that I enjoy very much to discover the scientifical and psychological background of human behavior.

So today I'd like to open another episode, talking about the human fascination for sunsets. Are there even people on this planet who're not amazed by a burning sky?

If you'd ask me to portray my own perspective, I'd just tell you that:

In between the day and the night there's something words can hardly describe.

@surfermarly +1 on a sunsetty beach walk


If you're able to find an answer to that question, you can probably understand everything that ever occurs in this universe.

From an evolutionary standpoint, fire may be a symbol of safety.

If you've ever read the book series The cave children from Alois Theodor Sonnleitner you'll know what I'm talking about. As a kid I literally devoured that historical fiction story about two seventeenth-century children who - being isolated in a valley by a rock slide - discover for themselves the ways of prehistoric man in their efforts to survive.

Fire - a protector, a provider, a basic need.

We all know that without the sun there wouldn't be life on Earth, so do these type of thougths even resonate when we're looking at a sunset today?

Probably, cause even if the Homo Sapiens has considerably developed over time, there's a lot of primitive characteristics that still have an influence on our today's behavior and life.

Sunsets trigger a lot of emotions.

According to this study from the University of California at Berkley watching a sunset can effectively make you happier, in a sense that appreciating the natural beauty of sunsets can improve a person’s emotional wellbeing.

Remember that no sunset is like the other.


And then there's that opportunity to just let go and start all over again.

Sunsets provide us with the sensation of being able to turn pages, to leave everything behind and start out new.

One day - one chapter - is closed, and another one is ready to be opened.

From my personal experience I can tell you that these late hours can even become a physical relief: In the tropics we instantly feel a reprieve from day's heat.

A late dinner on an open terrace with direct view on the setting sun definitely ranks among my top 5 all-time favorite moments.

Sunsets are forerunners of new chances.


Marly, can't you be a little more romantic?

Alright, I'll be trying.

Yes, putting all the scientifical and psychological derivations aside, sunsets are simply beautiful, heart-warming and - of course - romantic.

Since I'm not best at expressing such florid feelings, I'll just let someone else do it for me:

For those inclined toward deep sensory appreciation, it paints the world with ever shifting shadows that mask and highlight different parts of our surroundings we may not even notice in harsher light; the sky itself becomes a canvas for a rosy fingered dusk. - J. Rodriguez on quora.com


So why do you enjoy looking at sunsets?

Let me know in the comments - and add your most impressive sunset picture if you want 😊

Much love,
Marly -

PS: If you love sunsets, then you may want to follow Luke @irishabstainer - his blog is a real showcase of the most spectacular sunsets.

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.1.12 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

Original content. Sunset trio found on inspirationfeed.com and quote found on quotefancy.com

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