I've Got Moths Flying Outta My Ears Down Here

Talk about a buggy week. I've had three, first time moth sightings down on the homestead this week. Which strikes me as unusual, as I've lived here over five years now.

Today I went to do dishes and saw this little fellow walking along the edge of a steel bowl. I learned a couple years back not to touch any more hairy caterpillars as they possess hollow quill-like hairs that are connected to poison sacs. I learned that lesson the hard way on a gorgeous saddleback caterpillar.

Banded Tussock Moth - Halysidota tessellaris 1.JPG

Down here in Kentucky we have several stinging caterpillars. Thankfully, I was able to make a fast identification and learned this one was not. It is a Banded Tussock Caterpillar, Halysidota tessellaris. Another grape leaf eater.

Banded Tussock Moth Photo Bug Guide.jpg
Photo credit: Bugguide.net

While I'm excited to identify new critters, I wish they weren't so destructive on the homestead. I don't mind sharing, but don't be a hog and eat it all.

Till Next Time,
Mary Lotus

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