Extinct in the Wild - #4 Wyoming Toad (Endangered species) 2020

The Wyoming Toad or Baxter's Toad is a rare amphibian that is extinct in the wild. The Wyoming toad was listed as an endangered species in 1984 and listed as extinct in the wild since 1991.

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They were found in Laramie Basin Wyoming and now only can be found in Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge.

Attempts over the decades to reintroduce the Wyoming Toad have taken place.

Surveys conducted at Crescent Lake, Wyoming indicate that there is some breeding occurring in the wild.

Diseases are one of the major reasons why Wyoming toads are highly endangered. The most common infections among the toad are bacterial and fungal infections.

Due to collective efforts, there are about 1,500 Wyoming toads
alive today.

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Wyoming Toad Facts-

Science Name: Anaxyrus baxteri
Size: 5.6cm
weight: 56-85g
Locations: Wyoming, United States

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The Nature Plug

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