How to Manage Raccoon Dogs

Raccoon dogs have generated a little bit of buzz lately, so I thought I'd share some helpful information about them and how to manage them.

A wild raccoon dog eyes a tasty bowl of bat soup.

Raccoon dogs, also known as tanukis, are wild canines that are native to East Asia. They are not typically found in other parts of the world, but if you live in an area where raccoon dogs are present, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from them. Here are eight tips on how to manage and protect yourself from raccoon dogs:

1. Avoid contact: The best way to protect yourself from raccoon dogs is to avoid contact with them. Do not attempt to approach or touch them and do not try to feed them. Raccoon dogs are wild animals and can be unpredictable. They can also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans.

2. Secure trash: Raccoon dogs are attracted to human communities because they are a source of food. Make sure to secure your trash cans and compost bins to prevent raccoon dogs from scavenging for food. Use tight-fitting lids or bungee cords to keep the lids securely in place.

3. Keep your yard clean: Raccoon dogs are also attracted to gardens and fruit trees. If you have a garden or fruit trees, make sure to clean up any fallen fruit or vegetables. This will help to reduce the attraction of raccoon dogs to your property.

4. Install fencing: If you have a garden or livestock, consider installing fencing around your property to keep raccoon dogs out. Make sure the fence is at least 6 feet tall and buried at least six inches into the ground to prevent them from digging under it.

5. Secure pet food: If you have outdoor pets, make sure to feed them inside or in a secure area where raccoon dogs cannot access their food. Keep the food dishes clean and bring them inside at night.

6. Use noise and light deterrents: Raccoon dogs are nocturnal animals and they can be deterred by bright lights and loud noises. Consider installing motion-activated lights or playing loud music or noise-making devices around your property to keep them away.

7. Seek professional help: If you have a raccoon dog problem on your property, it is best to seek professional help. Contact your local wildlife control agency or animal control office for assistance in trapping and relocating the animals. Do not attempt to trap or relocate raccoon dogs on your own, as this can be dangerous and illegal.

8. Learn about raccoon dogs: Educating yourself about raccoon dogs can also help to protect yourself from them. Learn about their behavior, habitat, and food preferences. This will help you to understand how to avoid attracting them to your property and how to stay safe in their presence.

In addition to these tips, it is also important to be aware of the signs of rabies in raccoon dogs. Rabies is a serious disease that can be transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected animal. Symptoms of rabies in raccoon dogs can include aggression, disorientation, and foaming at the mouth. If you suspect that a raccoon dog is infected with rabies, do not approach it and contact animal control immediately.

Remember that raccoon dogs are wild animals, and they should be treated with caution and respect. Taking these precautions can help reduce the risk of encounters with raccoon dogs and protect both you and the animals.

I hope you found this article to be informative and helpful! Let me know in the comments if you've ever encountered a wild raccoon dog!

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