Solarenergy works already very well for Germany

As you probably know Germany was one of the first countries to adopt a feed in tariff system for renewable energies.
This let to booming installations of Solar and Wind power.
So from time to time you hear from interested parties (traditional power companies, etc.) that the massive built up of solarpower burdens the grid and causes massive problems.

So how is the current grid situation in the current hot summer environment when both industry and air cons are running full speed?
There is a great webpage to look at the effects:

On that webpage you can see the overall power supply and demand situation in Germany.

chart (2).png

Interestingly we can now switch of solar power and windenergy:

chart (3).png

What we now find is nothing short of fascinating:
Solar and Wind match the demand profiles quite nicely.. leading to the effect that conventional dirty power production has only be manged to a very small degree.

What you can also see that there seems to be excess power at noon and a deficit by night. So what to do with this?
The answer is batteries..

I will tell you more about that in a follow up shortly.

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