Nature is Best Technology

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Ever since the Industrial Revolution Man has gone Crazy behind Technologies. Steam Engine, Bulb, Planes, Telephone, Computer, and Mobile you name it. When you dive into these technologies you will find these technologies have an ecological Footprint on Nature. Without use of Natural Resources you cannot have any Technology. For Example your smartphone. The chips used in smartphone are made of silicon. From where do you get it? Yes you are right you get it from “Nature”. Without help of nature you cannot have a Technology. Also All these technologies have Carbon footprint responsible for Global Warming.
If we study Nature we find the Perfection everywhere. Forest, Sun, Moon, Stars, Water, Heat, Trees, Micro-organisms in soil, Human Body, Brain, animals. All these are created by Nature. Role of Trees for Human Survival, Role of Water for life on Earth. You just cannot beat this technology. Before Industrial Revolution started CO2 present in atmosphere was 280 parts per million and now it is 400 Parts per million. This amount of CO2 was before 4 Million year ago. It took 200 years for Humans to raise CO2 level from 280 to 400 PPM. And it took Millions of years for Nature to bring Co2 from 400 PPM to 280 PPM.
Scientist Believe 350 PPM is safe zone for our survival. To bring this level down we need to cut down CO2 emissions, Use renewable energy and Absorb CO2 from atmosphere. Trees absorb CO2 and release Oxygen in exchange. By planting more trees we can reduce CO2 level by some margin.
Nature is best Technology to come out of this mess.


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