Plant trees while you are surfing the Internet - use Ecosia!

Ecosia is a search engine, similar with Google that is planting trees with the income from the ads. I feel many of you from this social platform would be interested in knowing this one!


Every time we are browsing the internet, we are creating some sort of a content that is valuable. Just like switching from Facebook to Steemit ancd choosing to help ourselves instead of adding more money into the big corporations, we can do similar with our search engine! By default most of us are used to Google. But there are much more alternatives to this Big Companies that are using us for tracking our data and so on.


Ecosia, for example is using 80% from the ad-money they get from our search to plant trees all over the world. Since they started , they planted over 19 millions of trees!!! and they are aiming to plant over 1 billion of trees by 2020! This a pretty amazing number of trees! Considering the fact that we are doing good deeds and helping our environment just by sitting in front of our computer!

Ecosia it started in 2009 after a world trip by one of the CEOs after he saw the effects of massive deforestation and is based in Berlin, being run by a small team of young people, 20 more exactly.

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Personally, I am using it for more then 1 year and since then, I planted almost 700 trees! Considering the fact that I feel so guilty of using plastic, this small thing that i can do for the world - using a different search engine makes me feel tons better! I must admit, is not as complete as Google. But if you need it only for a simple browsing is ok! If you want more detailed results, you should double check with The Big Google. But more then 90% of the time, I am satisfied with the results!

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You can give it a try here I am sharing this website and promoting it because I believe in it and because I think many people need to know about it. Together we can make a better world! Starting with what we choose to buy, what we choose to eat, where are we searching our informations etc. Our decisions indeed matter!

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