The basics of plant anatomy

  • The basics of plant anatomy

The surrounding skin consists of three layers, from the outside to the inside, cork, phyllium, and secondary veneer. The surrounding skin is characterized by external appearance in the leg to originate from the external areas of the cortex or from the cortex, while the inner is located in the root because it forms in the latter of the surrounding circle. For liquids and gases, the secondary skin possesses Adisat to replace the stalls in the gas exchange process


  • the paper

The leaf grows in floral plants in its plainness, breadth, or regularity. Its main function is photosynthesis. This vital process is very important for plants and for life as a whole. In particular cellular organisms are the green plastids which contain the green material and the paper is structurally and functionally suited to this process For the atmosphere with a special system and specific locations Paper pulp paper and the presence of vacancy All this facilitates the process of penetrating the solar radiation into all the cells of the paper and facilitate the process of gas exchange in the processes of photosynthesis and breathing and the result of the paper in the upper and the upper It is often characterized by a leaf bearing different forms and dimensions of different species. The leaf may be attached to the paper holder. If the paper blade is stretched from the base of the leaf blade, the follicles are called the placenta. The blade is shaped

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