Very Rare ! The infamous"White haired golden rod!" Only place on earth you can find it !!

Red river gorge in Kentucky has some of the most breath taking geology , chained to the oldest mountains in the world , you will see a variety of floral , cave , and rock formations that tell the story of our planets history .20170617_200654.jpg20170617_195552.jpg20170617_134508.jpg20170617_202941.jpg20170617_120702.jpg20170617_131954.jpg20170617_115728.jpgth(12).jpgth(13).jpg20170617_200225.jpg20170617_123731.jpg20170617_201737.jpg20170617_195552.jpg20170617_195709.jpg20170617_205030.jpg20170617_113304.jpg20170617_121725.jpg20170617_195300.jpg Even found a signal cell organasim thriving on the forest floor , showing you how much life can truly thrive literally anywhere .....hard to miss its loud yellow amongst the heavy greens an dark woods .

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