Autumn weather surprises

Today, the weather has played all day with the residents of the city. That the sun is shining, it becomes sharply overcast and it rains. At the same time, on one side, the sun is shining, struggling with all its might with bright rays from behind the clouds, and it is drizzling overhead. It is good that the rain in general did not go so long, although it stretched for breaks for the whole day.

The sky looked at times interesting from a height of 11 floors.


Straight a riot of blue-blue clouds and clouds against the blue-blue sky - who / who will win.

And with a loggia, it seems very close, but the view is quieter.


And left to capture.


And the foliage on the trees has already begun to play in places with bright colors - a real golden autumn has come. Practically the whole of September, with the exception of the last week, pleased us with the summer weather and did not feel at all that it was autumn on the street - flowers in flowerbeds, green trees

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