Love & Birth - Nature & Grace - Trees Of Life!

"There are two ways through life. The way of nature and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you will follow."- The opening line of the movie from the year 2011 " The Tree Of Life" by Director Terrence Malick. 

These two forces are what drive all life and shape everything around us that we see. Grace, the unfiltered love and compassion. Watch how your own tree is growing!

Last night I was watching the little bit weird and complicated but fantastic movie, reminding me to nature and its grace. 

I am not interpreting this film but share some photography of trees and what thoughts came to my head, reflecting on The intense relationship with my beautiful 23 years old daughter Tahnee and her own experience with her biological father as well as her stepfather.

The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father (Brad Pitt).

I asked myself what is the meaning of this wonderful and mystical tree of life?

You have roots, leaves, branches, the trunk and fruits coming from the same magical tree and all those parts represent this tree in a symbolic way.

 Image Source 

The tree of life, mentioned in the books of Genesis and Revelation, is a life-giving tree created to enhance and perpetually sustain the physical life of humanity. The tree was planted by God in the Garden of Eden: “The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( Genesis)- Source 

I found those natures creations on my way to watch some open air theatre, my dear friends took me to. We walked through a fairytale like park close to Vienna to enjoy "The Kultursommer Laxenburg." to see "HEISS", written by my schoolfriend husband Christan Deix. It was fun and entertaining but those trees didn't get out of my mind.


Today, I just wanted to say how much I do love my daughter! There will never be a greater love I could feel than mine, for my child. Her birth gave meaning to my whole world!

So, what got me to manifest such powerful feeling in words and my images? How should we live? How to find the ultimate and adequate meaning for anything?


Image Source 

Like "Mother Earth" and "Father Sun?! :) >>>  Image Source 

Love & Birth

Nature & Grace

How brute nature and spiritual grace can shape all life!?

Francis A.Schaeffer breaks it down into the Nature versus Grace problem.

Nature, the lower: the created; earth and earthly things; the visible and what happens normally in the cause-and-effect universe; what man as man does on the earth; diversity, or individual things, the particulars, or the individual acts of man. 
Grace, the higher: God the Creator; heaven and heavenly things; the unseen and its influence on the earth; unity, or universals or absolutes which give existence and morals meaning. - Source

Nature always existed! Nature can be vicious!

Technology, architecture, weapons, war, competition and everything else borne from ego and self-preservation fall into the category of Nature and are almost always destructive, to sum it up. Grace, on the other hand, may be considered everything in life that is remaining in nature’s absence.- Source
Nature is the movement in the universe that molded the planets, carved their surfaces, and set the foundations to allow life to flourish. Grace, on the other hand, came about in more complex organisms through a higher sense of awareness of other life forms that occurs over time. It is the compassion, sympathy, and love that develops from an organism realising, it is not the first to be pleased in the universe and that other organisms are trying to survive as well. - Source 

It might be the path to GOD!

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