The Sea Star's interesting abilities

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The Sea Star or Starfish is a really beautiful sea creature, and has some pretty weird abilities. It moves around on tube feet under the starfish but it also uses the tubes to circulate water to its "gills". The tubes at the tips also have sensors in them to sense chemicals to help them locate food. There is also an eye spot at the end of each arm to sense light.

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The sea star's "stomach" can be extended though it's arms which allows it to digest food outside of it's body. This comes in handy when it eats on shellfish, like oysters, as it able to digest it from the inside of it's shell when it gets it's stomach inside after opening the shell even just a little bit.

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The most fascinating part to me about starfish is that they are able to regenerate their arms and in some species, their entire body with only a piece of an arm that is big enough. It is no wonder that they are studied for medical purposes and also used in jewelry and curios.

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Hope you liked what Sea Stars can do!

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