Mushroom Encyclopedia - Milk White Franchet's Amanita (Amanita franchetii var. lactella) #4

The cap of Amanita franchetii f. lactella is 70 - 90 mm wide, pure white, becoming a little brownish in the center in age, globose or hemispheric at first, then convex, sometimes with a little umbo, finally planar or subdepressed, matte, subviscid when moist, with a smooth, nonappendiculate and nonstriate margin, except in age. The volva is present as membranous, densely arranged, pyramidal warts in the center of the cap, bright golden yellow, easily removable, cleanly detached from browning areas; the warts are sparser, flatter, and paler towards the edge. The flesh is white.

Photo souce: Flickr

See also:

  1. Mushroom Encyclopedia - Blue mushroom (Entoloma hochstetteri) #1
  2. Mushroom Encyclopedia - Peach Mushroom (Rhodotus Palmatus) #2
  3. Mushroom Encyclopedia - Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) #3
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